I made my full discography (14 releases) available on Bandcamp with a 40% discount.
It's a musical journey with soundscapes, compositions, field recordings and soundtracks for films.
All recorded, constructed and composed between 2010 - 2015.
There's poetry from all over the world, loud noises, weird sounds.
There's also pain, fear.
Silence, darkness.
A small light here and there...
Get all 14 Swoon releases and save 40%.
You get unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality downloads of my albums:
Timorous Sounds
Book of Hours (EP)
Dark Embrace with a Paper Voice (Music for Books)
A black seat flanking a lawnmower
Words / No Words
The Human Factor
Exit Strategies (A Bloodletting)
Buying these not only gives you several hours of music (and an insight in my mind and soul)
It also gives me support and enables me to continue with making music and films in the future.
Check it out here: https://marcneys.bandcamp.com/
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