Instant nudity

Instant nudity

Showing my first inspirations at the beginning of 4th year at my academy I didn't know that my painting would go in that direction. I shoot picture of my naked friends durring summer 2013 and it was the beginning. I just knew that I want to paint them.

I was surprised that my school friends were amazed by what I paint. I knew that my prior subject was very different, but nudity was present through all history of art. I guessed that those naked bottoms were arousing interest and shock. Maybe shock is too big word, but it made me ralize that nudity is sill taboo.

My paintings are arizing by photos that were specially made, and than changed to be painted. Selection of frame, composition and colors was first part in process of creating painting. One might ask, why would you paint something that you can print and put into frame. In my opinion painting shows work of artist. My paintings are not copies of photos, but theirs interpretation. Photo is a kind of sketch, painting is finished work.

In my works I was always interested in individual, ease, pleasure, but most of all my personal connection to what I paint. For my dyploma project I enter new field which was nudity. In my paintings I wanted to capture positive emotions connected to nudity. Nudity that is footloose and passing. By many deffinition nakedness is about shame. Nakedness in my paintings is not. Nudity that I present is connected to meeting with people, special moment, beauty and youth. In my works I wanted to show moment of freedom and happiness. Nakedness in my painting is romantic rather than obscene. Although in my projects I had more realistic and literal designs I didn't decide to use them.

I gave my project title after I painted all my works. „Instant nudity” can be interpret in few ways. Instant as for moment, time of meeting and relations with nudity. Moment of wandering about our own nakedness and times when we are naked. How naturally we feel when we are naked? Are we embarassed or are we open to nudity? I hope that those and other questions will be in viewers' minds.

Has been liked by 10

Comments 3

Malgorzata Malina
8 years ago
Thank you :)
Dziekuję :)
Gianfranco ferlazzo
8 years ago
Amazing Project...
Vladas Orze
8 years ago
Vladas Orze Artist
Moje gratulacje!

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