Caterina Sforza  (citazione di figure classiche) // Caterina Sforza (quoting  from classics)

Caterina Sforza (citazione di figure classiche) // Caterina Sforza (quoting from classics)

Sculpture, Portrait, Marble, 47x68x5cm
Caterina Sforza (quoting from classics) sculpture, portrayed, cm 47x68x5
Caterina Sforza ( 2009, marble, turnish, cm 47x68x5, one piece, equipped with an handmade iron frame, adaptable to the wall ) the Lady in Forlì during the Renaissance Time, comes from the presumed portrayed by Lorenzo di Credi., The Jasmine Lady ( Pinacoteca in Forlì) and is here portrayed in a marble bas-relief shadowed by natural turnish.

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