Bozzetto in scala 1:2 per un Monumento "ALLE VITTIME DELL'ACCANIMENTO TERAPEUTICO"
Had anything been wrong, we should certainly have heard.
From "The Unknown Citizen", W. H. Hauden
Futile medical care is the continued provision of medical care or treatment to a patient when there is no reasonable hope of a cure or benefit.
The right to die is a moral principle based on the belief that a human being is entitled to commit suicide or to undergovoluntary euthanasia. Possession of this right is often understood to mean that a person with a terminal illness should be allowed to commit suicide or assisted suicide or to decline life-prolonging treatment, where a disease would otherwise prolong their suffering to an identical result. The question of who, if anyone, should be empowered to make these decisions is often central to debate.
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