In the beginning there was the trees that bore fruit, including paper, or better, a sticky dough that properly treated became a light sheet but resistant ink. More expensive, later became the reach of many, was instrumental in winning the right to study.
Then man invented all kinds of cheap paper, paperboard to carbon paper, the tissue and the velvety and finally the thermal paper: it saves ink, getting a print silent, but it can not be recovered because potentially detrimental to its content of bisphenol A (BPA), an endocrine disrupter. Among the various disorders that could be linked to BPA's infertility. So the thermal paper can not be recycled and should not be put in the husks of bread! In just one week a family of three, with a modest availability purchases can count hundreds since not only stores emit receipts, even banks, gas stations, parking lots etc.
Collect receipts, and reuse them for artistic compositions, it has been a challenge, a complaint and also the observation you are holding the "documentary evidence" of my life. It 'gave rise to the collection: "Non deductible expenses" with a pinafore dress, then the jacket and hairstyle, all entirely made up of receipts on the basis of hand-sewn cloth., Unbreakable and self-cleaning as fade with time, purchasing a shade off-white, with shades of gray, not found in nature but the result of human stupidity. And now EXFOOD collection that focuses on the food: it's fashionable, right? At the end f the project: why not forward beating elements of the bill via SMS instead of on paper? Banks done from many years. So come on, you give the right things ....

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