'Pneuma' - The Cosmic Breath

'Pneuma' - The Cosmic Breath

'Pneuma’, a term used in Ancient Greece to describe the flowing spirit within all things -The Cosmic Breath’. The monistic view of the Milesian philosophers, considered everything within the universe as one organism. This unity coincides with metaphor of ‘Indra’s Net’, found in 3rd century Buddhist scriptures. An infinite net of glistening jewels, whereby if you were to look closely at one you would see reflections of all the other jewels and within that reflection would also contain the image of all the jewels in the net. The infinite reflection describes the interconnectedness of all things and the ripple effect of any change within one jewell, reflected throughout the net. This subtle yet highly effective metaphor has been adopted within modern science to describe essential characteristics within the cosmos and indeed the human brain. It can also be applied to each conscious being and even every atom within the universe. This metaphor summarises the trail of interests found within my work. Dealing with the relationship between our physical bodies, our spiritual bodies and the world that surrounds us: my work aspires to evoke a sense of connection and contained positive energy.

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