Pointed Flute

Pointed Flute

This piece of clear quartz was cut from a larger section and formed into what is termed a “Pointed Flute” 10-12,000 years ago. Discovered in a remote section of what is now northern Maine, It dates back to the period of the first people to cross the northern ice shelves and is the only crystal stone of its type ever found.

This is part of a new body of work of which the rest will be posted soon.

It was selected out of 500 applicants to be 1 of 25 pieces to be shown at the 58th Chautauqua Annual Exhibition, Visual Arts at Chautauqua Institution (VACI), Chautauqua, NY - June 2015.

The guest juror for this show is Critic/Curator Hrag Vartanian, Founder/Chief Editor of Hyperallergic.com.
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