Campi di Fieno

Campi di Fieno

Painting, Plants , Landscape, Nature, Beauty, Oil, 20.3x15.2x.5cm
The years I spent farming taught me a deep love and respect for the land. Haying, in particular, is one of the hardest yet most important activities. From it, animals feed and they, in turn, produce manure which feeds the plants which provide food for us.  Haying is strenuous and takes several days to complete, during which an unexpected rain can ruin the entire crop. It is no wonder that I felt drawn to painting this scene, in which the task has been newly accomplished. 

Has been liked by 25

Comments 4

Waldemar Dabrowski
9 years ago
Very nice...!
Maristella  Angeli
9 years ago
Maristella Angeli Artist, Painter
Rende perfettamente l'atmosfera estiva.
Brava Carla!
SC. Di Stefania Carroli
9 years ago
Percepisco l odore!!!!
Nanouk Reicht
9 years ago
Nanouk Reicht Art lover
Como sempre Bellissimo lavoro. Mi piace tantissimo !!!

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