Allusioni di tango

Allusioni di tango

The dance of marble and aluminum: the first has its roots in the earth’s solidity, is shelter, the other comes in turn from the depths of the earth but hovers in the air, becomes a woman, becomes elegance and sensuality.
Tango, the innate dance between men and women; it sublimates the universality of searching the encounter between two beings or between two parts of us …
So it rises all to voluptuousness, lightness and perfection of pose and shape, of a feminine and masculine beauty that like a perfect spiral fastens and unfastens a passionate casquè.

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Comments 1

RELLA Maria Pia = SpaziOfficina
8 years ago
Suggestiva...TRA POCHISSIMO L'INFORMAZIONE AGLI ARTISTI PER SPIRITO & MATERIA Dal 16 al 22 luglio 2016 Mostra d’Arte Contemporanea Internazionale
Mini Personali con n.9 Opere ad Artista, Catalogo ed altri Castello Aldobrandeschi Collacchioni a Capalbio
Progetto a cura di Maria Pia RELLA Con il Patrocinio del Comune di Capalbio
Libero Creativo Laboratorio a Roma
328 2726700

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