"Domino-Domino" (2007), at the heart of my work in space rather than the geometric modularity, typical of the American minimalist school, but the tension and energy constructivist structures by geometric volumes from direct impact visivo.Le solid figures, cubes or parallelepipeds that are concretizzano primary structures and imagine material with metallic modular elements positioned so as to measure and change the perception of space.Turkey 'installation of the soil has a specific connection with the space which is that I want to serve the 'action the viewer: the perceptual organization of the structure of metal and a source of light, preferably natural, able to enliven the work. "Domino-Domino" diptych of primary structures of over 40 kg of iron, brass and copper, partly evokes an exciting game, played in great and the 'other surprises, and involves the senses of the spectator for its expansion in space, resulting in a poetic original three-dimensional space, never impersonal or cold, from "touch" with the eyes and hands rather than to tell.

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Comments 6

Waldemar Dabrowski
10 years ago
Very interesting...!
15 years ago
microbonet Institution
Bel lavoro!!!
microbo.net invita a partecipare al progetto I (love) Art, dove ogni artista può liberamente iscriversi e presentare le proprie opere, conoscere altri artisti, critici, segnalare le proprie mostre ecc.

Mariapia Saccone
15 years ago
molto interessante la tua idea!
15 years ago
Hi Andrea,
Have you got this message?
Are you interested in participating in an International Group Exhibition late next year (2010) in Athens???
If yes, then have a look on my C Studio Events(1)...
Keep in touch and take care, yours Takis
Giorgia Beltrami
15 years ago
Ciao Paolo grazie oper l'amicizia e complimenti per la tua opera
15 years ago
KETRA Artist
Adoro il concetto di modulo e pulizia formale, kirurgiko gioco tra tensione e spazialità. Potente

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