Moments 5

Moments 5

Painting, Abstract informal, 180x150x4cm

As we journey through life we are marked by moments in time, positive and negative, clear and unclear, that accumulate to become the complex embroidery of our souls. We are in a constant state of change and disruption as elements around us challenge our equilibrium. It is, in fact, when we consider ourselves most balanced that we are most susceptible to the asymmetry of life, the tiniest change making a considerable impact.
The paintings in the art series ‘Moments’ are created by multiple layering of both balanced and imbalanced marks and textures that symbolize the layers in our beings created by moments in time. The paintings show creation as well as destruction, tension and harmony. They show the North, South, East and West of our journeys and, when you put all four compass points of the painting, the ‘moments’, together you may get a glimpse into someone’s soul.

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