Pandora 1.4

This fourth version of the video Pandora is the result of a workshop organized by Federico Cozzucoli online. In this version there are the contributions of Violeta Vollmer, Matteo Campulla, Francesca Ore, Marco Tullio Dentale, Serena Damiani, Artekreativa, Maria Cecilia Bossi, Antonella Albani, Ina Mindiuz, Alfonso Lentini, Eliseo Pau, Karma Chodon, Blond Jenny, Fabiana Collotto, Doriana Frau.

Sound live Remigio Furlanut within the review of contemporary art "Gesto Segno Disegno" hosted by Urban Laboratory THE FACTORY in Palagiano (TA)

Critical text by Simona Campus
with a new text of Margherita Capodiferro

Following the link with the regulation of online workshops:

per info:

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