Uno sguardo sull'anima

Uno sguardo sull'anima

Titolo: A look at the soul

aprile-maggio 2013

Is it easy to open our eyes onto our inner world? Is it easy to have a look in it, to have a single breach in that veil lof fog which envelops our heart, our soul? Is it easy to do it without being distracted by everything that is all around, by colours, shapes, games and visual effects of the stratagem we've created for convenience... or t o survive?
And if we succeed, will we be able to do it, even when everything breaks or shatters? Even when the shapes and the balances fade away and we have the feeling to lose the sense of a life which is slipping?

Hand-stiched leather, wood, aluminium; on wood 185x145cm

Has been liked by 3

Comments 2

Antonio Fumagalli    perlapelle....
10 years ago
Lino Bianco
10 years ago
Lino Bianco Artist
Bellissime! Complimenti. Ciao,

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