Il divano

Il divano

Painting, Feelings, Abstract informal, Mixed technique, 100x100x2cm
The photo shows the picture put on a sofa with the same colors.
The peculiarity of this work is in mixed media on canvas acrylic technique most of pvc bag for trash. The picture is not trimmed because the plastic must be able to move with the wind or simply moving it. This effect makes the work alive and never monotonous because it is renewed day by day. Just move a limb or put someone behind to completely change the character of the work itself. The observer must be able to interact with the work and not be mere passive spectator. In other paintings I can perform this function by a system of mirrors, which allow the viewer to become an actor and protagonist of the work. Depending on how you move the view changes, it changes all the work .... he lives.

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Comments 2

Tanya Bartolini
10 years ago
l'opera vive grazie al tuo cuore immenso che sa rendere meraviglioso qualsiasi cosa che realizzi sempre..tutto questo è spettacolare!!!...un 110 e una lode al tuo cuore....Tanya!!!
Barbara Ghisi
10 years ago
Il tuo progetto espositivo è davvero interessante. Anche il risultato del dipinto in tono con l'arredo completa il tuo progetto in pieno. Il bello con la creatività è che si può scegliere. Ciao buon lavoro.

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