The market and the family are the two institutions that we pierce from birth, in which we are immediately immersed and that influence us not only from a cultural point of view, but it does impact in our "bare life."
The fashion and education, for example, are the superficial signs of the market and the family. How we dress, how we speak or behave at the table are the manifestation of this influence.
But in zoè (in what Agamben calls "the simple fact of living common to all living beings), the non-conscious or obvious, we have deeper scars. Our mutation to a different body synthesized by decades of market, and families now more different than ever because different shaped in the market, is in these anthropological deformations .
For this reason, the pervasiveness of the conditioning, exploded by Focault's total institutions and even from Panopticon (prison designed in 1791 by the philosopher and jurist Jeremy Bentham), of which Foucault also took charge, arrives at our bowels , our sex, our bodies .
There are three images, such as the trinity of a religion that, is said softly, has less and less chance to condition.
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