L’uomo come l'erba, i suoi giorni come fiori del campo, così fiorirà
2014, 3 videos, hd, colour, all without sound, time 4, 25 min. Triple synchronized video projection; 3 videos play simultaneously (loop); spaced between them, interspersed with other works (of other artists). The communication of the three videos is given by their common research.
The first video it’s a sequence of 55 photographs having as a subject a common landscape photographed by a single point in the span of two years (I am still, the camera movement is from right to left and from top to bottom; back and forth with the magnifying glass) and refers to our immobility in the doubt of living between a measured and an unlimited time.
The title is part of a metaphor that extends from Neolithic to our days through the Old and New Testament.
The second video cuts out a piece of nature/trees under wind depriving the image of the sound. The view framed is the same used in ”Man as the grass, his days like the flowers of the field, so will bloom”(with the same camera position from the subject).
The third video, “And his place will not be recognized more” is a slide show; the photographs were here taken in different places of Italy, Bosnia- Herzegovina, Serbia and Romania in two years having as a subject common sceneries and the face of my son recurrent. The shots of landscapes do not describe the scene and do not seek territorial diversity into which they were made. The title is another part of the text (102 psalm of David) in which is also found the metaphor used in the first video.
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