Dead Instant Photo
Death of dear ones is built-in with life but everyone goes through it in its own way. Vulnerability, loneliness, repression, dismay, void, depression. These are just few among the human emotions linked to loss and death. To tell this story we focused our interest on the most extreme possible reaction: suicide, death calls another death.
To do so we figured out the story of a girl who, due to an episode of memory repression, lives and relives the day of her boyfriend’s death, striving to change the fatal outcome. (i.e. denying the mere fact of his death). When she finally acknowledges that he won’t be back for good, she takes her life.
Dead instant photo is a fictional project. We chose black and white picture technique as a means to express this particular reaction. As death appears to us as a static moment in the flow of everyday life, as the same way photography could fix, inside a frame, situations and emotions.
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