Drowning Safe Into Yourself - Expression 2

Drowning Safe Into Yourself - Expression 2

Analogue Photography, Emotion, Human figure, Analogue, 100x80cm
The journey that leads only to touch the magma of our being goes to the depths of the private silence. In this space, lonely and surreal, sheltered under an imaginary surface, we find ourselves, the nature and expression of the emotions that belong to us, the forces that move us. The realization of our feelings.

This place, where our truths take a form, unaware, it is not visible from the outside, if not reflected, broken, deconstructed. We, whom seek ourselves in others to learn to better understand each other and to recognize our weaknesses elsewhere, we can grasp only an undefined matter, the shadow of that feeling.

This diptych explores the intricacies of what is not visible and that you can just listen.

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