ascensione del cane al cielo n.8

ascensione del cane al cielo n.8

Painting, Political / Social, Animal, Fantasy / Visionary, Mixed technique, 30x40x2cm
...every element disappears to give way to the central figure of the animal that in fact ascends, rising upwards. It is a clear religious reference that exploits the Catholic triangulation of the mechanism that ranges from original sin to resurrection, passing by way of divine forgiveness. This is a metaphor that re-embraces and reopens our discourse, drawing on an even more rigid and structured mental state: that constituted in the western world by Christianity. If on the one hand it is true that we increasingly talk about animal rights, ecology and respect for nature, it is also strangely true that these discourses take on the form of external absolution and redemption, lending once again a privileged position to man who claims for himself the task of deciding when and in what form rights should be recognized, just as a divinity would have to decide when and in what form to concede ascension to an after life...

(Carolina Lio)

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Comments 11

Alfonso Siracusa
14 years ago
Buona! Se vuoi, puoi visionare, votare o lasciare un commento, per la mia opera in concorso. A presto. In bocca al lupo.
Alfonso Siracusa
15 years ago
Hi Luca,
Have you got this message?
Are you interested in participating in an International Group Exhibition late next year (2010) in Athens???
If yes, then have a look on my C Studio Events(1)...
Keep in touch and take care, yours Takis
sergej glinkov
15 years ago
adoro i cani blu!!
Nicolas Constantin
15 years ago
extraordinary. strong work. my favourite of the series. finest thoughts. nicolas
Carlo Trevisan
15 years ago
sintesi e messaggio pittorico diretto, bravo
Valeria Bovo
15 years ago
Valeria Bovo Artist
hai il mio voto!
carmelo nicotra
15 years ago
Patrizia Sacilotto
15 years ago
E' la più bella ascensione.
Paul Sucksmith
15 years ago
Top piece of work, well done and good luck.
Giuseppe Biguzzi
15 years ago
Very beautiful work!
Bella Luca!! Buona fortuna!!!
Angelo Volpe
15 years ago
Angelo Volpe Artist
This painting is fantastic!
my compliments!
great Luca!!!

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