Ti Odio (canvas)

Ti Odio (canvas)

Painting, Emotion, Abstract informal, Acrylic, 150x100x2cm
Ti odio (canvas), acrylic on canvas, 100x150, February 2014

Colour, form, instinct. In Ti odio (canvas) [I Hate You (canvas)], the artist’s chosen terrain is the dynamism and the exuberance of the unconscious. In other words, this painting was conceived out of a form that is irrepressible, uncontrollable. The beginning of the pictorial phase coincided, as always, with a refusal by the artist to accept the result. And yet it became transformed into something that compelled al.to. to go on painting. There was no rational barrier to the stream of (un)conscious which found expression in the paints on the canvas. In this battle between the conscious and the unconscious, the unconscious came out the winner. The painting immediately became a vehicle for the deepest emotions, expressing a force that involves the viewer directly.

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