"Cuore sospeso"
I find you
(my mother)
I find you mom
between the folds of thoughts
in the words suspended in time
tales of yore
reappeared in the memory
I listen to the voice
ether dressed
in many ways
that resound like an echo
paintings immortal
between the thick strokes of color
the gentle caress
accompanies the evening
in the picture that portrays
the smile
happy moments
Christmas lights
Maristella Angeli
(From "SPINS wind"
Tracks Edition)
Comments 10
Grazie Stefano!
Grazie caro Giulio!
Grazie Nurelhoda!
Grazie cara Tanya!
Grazie Enzo!
Dove la voce non ha più' suono....una folata di vento riporta l eco del ricordo!!!!
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