RUGGINE Painting, Feelings, Abstract informal, Oil, 100x120cm Canvas Oil Black ruggine dei sentimenti Rust memories and feelings. Sediments of sensations. Over the years it generates in each of us, spaces, moments of memory that remain forgotten and they end up losing their expressive power, only up to the moment of their discovery painful. Painting & Drawing (Premio Celeste 2014 (Italy)) Added 10 years ago 28 I Like I don't like 5 Comments 337 Visits Share Facebook Twitter Google + Has been liked by 28 Francesco Lussana Artist - Bergamo, Italy Forma Artist - Belgrade, Serbia ANGELA MARTINELLI Artist - Sondrio, Italy Marisa Angius Artist - Sassari, Italy Alina La Papira Artist - Madrid, Spain Nicoletta Furlan Artist, Painter - Padova, Italy Andreea Iulia Pintilie Artist - Milano, Italy Sartorius Artist, Photographer - Roma, Italy OPIUMPASSIONE Artist - Roma, Italy Elena Afonova/Hanina/ Artist - Saint Petersburg, Russia B. R. (Interforma) Live media artist, Organizer - Litzmannstadt, Poland artist @ nigal goodship Artist, Photographer - Stourbridge, United Kingdom Paul Brotherton Designer, Painter - Manchester, United Kingdom manuel riccardi Artist - Sitges, Spain Kleoniki Vanos Artist - Johannesburg, South Africa Christos K. Baloukos Artist - Greece, United States View all Comments 5 10 years ago Silvio Mastronardi Artist Emozionante 10 years ago Valentina gigliuto (brulaky) Artist mi da delle emozioni fortissime , ancora prima di leggere il tuo commento...è bellissima complimenti! 10 years ago Chiara Righi Artist Complimenti per tutti i tuoi lavori! Mi piacciono molto! 10 years ago Cat Photographer Bonne chance ! 10 years ago Loredana Sansavini Photographer Molto bella!Interessante e coinvolgente il commento. complimenti!!! Say something You must login or Sign Up to write a comment Join
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