

The work represents a place where there are various elements that characterize the space-surreal metaphysical. The element that dominates the scene is lifted from the ground minced meat and place over two bricks and a base, it grinds and turns it into a cloud colorful shapes and abstract. In addition, there are two walls, one containing a tap and a mechanical part, the other an iron door knocker. At the center of these two walls there is a chimney located on a square base and containing a staircase that leads to the square below. Another element that has color and movement to the composition, it is the abstract forms that surround the square.

Has been liked by 8

Comments 3

Chiara Smirne
10 years ago
Chiara Smirne Artist
Mi piace! E' molto originale e ha dei colori molto giusti
giuseppe volante
10 years ago
Grazie tante!!!
pasquale  credico
10 years ago

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