Woman (R) Serving Suggestion (dittico)
About - Reflection
The most important fragments of the past become pure sight and deep reflection on the emotional spheres which have been irreversibly changed by the consumer society. Persuasion is clear by now, it dominates every action and ethical/moral thought, it affects immediately every emotional state by changing and altering the main needs and the human relationships. Matter has absorbed soul.
Connections with forms of pleasure are not apart: it’s all compromised by the sense of "rejection" meant as wastefulness, the sense of pleasure consumes up to the ephemeral phase and up to a threshold of rationality satisfied by excess. By becoming object of consumption, we are later destined to rejection: in individualism and nihilism there isn’t any possibility of further transformation.
If once the painter, by gathering all his vital force, stopped the circumstance before further transformation ("Pictor - the painter, the artist -, succeeds in stopping what is temporary just before what changes continuously has accomplished its further metamorphosis". Pictor’s metamorphosis, H. Hesse), I represent a static, distressing and respectably smart phase of stagnation of the human condition: we live immobility in the chaos and our immobility is paradoxically caused by purely temporary emotional states.
As victim and consequently executioner, the formal choice in some ways slightly alludes to the principles of the "Apollonian beauty" which nowadays is interpreted by the appearance dictated by Advertising. The image is charming, the balance tends to be solemn, the aesthetic pose is to the utmost but it hides a controversial detail (the scratch, the laceration) which inverts the first visual impact and reverses the meaning to open to a deeper and universal expressivity. At that instant the veil has been lacerated...
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