clouds of war

clouds of war

Clouds hanging heavy over a sky of lead, travelling over sea and land, over mountains and valleys. War is showing its ugly face and seeks admittance in our midst! Are the strong failing, is it time for a pole change or is it only a moment in time that will be soon forgotten, is it just a flicker or the first signs of a raving jungle-fire?

When choosing sides is everybody clear, I wonder, of their objectives and maybe as, if not more, importantly of the objectives of their potential ally?

Can't the struggle just take a break?[I.R.S.]

Has been liked by 36

Comments 5

Patrick Smith
7 years ago
the airbursts are masterful!
Florian Kopr
10 years ago
Florian Kopr Artist, Photographer
Gianfranco ferlazzo
10 years ago
roberto gavazzi
10 years ago
..cupo ma intenso e toccante!complimenti
monica zambon
10 years ago
monica zambon Artist

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