Man Ray Dance

The man ray dance’s project born from the projection and presentation of my previous video called Tangos (February 2911). During that performance I observed more in details the two tango dancers’s moves dancing a style of tango nuevo, with avanguardistic sonority and dynamism (respect traditional tango) thinking to realized a way to represent tango with a new approach of shooting and editing a new site. In Man Ray Dance I focus on selecting parts of the dance : for exemple one vision is on the dancer’s embrace followed by hips parts and foot parts, also analizing velocity , distances, neareness, cutting the scene of the dance in layers.
Reminding the wellknow procedurce of surrealism period a ready made form that refers to the most important interpreter of surrealism: Man Ray.
This video is divided in three scenes : every shoot is divided in three strips, in every shoot emerge always one of the strips. Collaborating with editor Antonio Labbro Francia I renconstruct a brief image’s story that gives more realism in the following scenes thanks to the choose of colors and lights.
The shooting scenes have been cought through three different size of layers and from three different point of views to surprise the spectator fruition while watching the dance.
The three cuts give back a changed reality yet functional.
Like a game of "cadavre esquisse" the end result in its randomness then should buy sense.
In this video, I decided to organize this randomness.
Technically I have set up three cameras at three different points and three different heights.
For each piece of music I've changed places with three cameras.
In the first scene I went in deep with experienzial tools.
In the second scene I clean and gives a aseptic moode.
In the third scene I go to represent a more realistic theme.
The three parts that constitute the whole film, namely Experiment 1 Hoy, Exeperiment 2 Un Paso and Experiment 3 Sine Terra, may each constitute a video autonomous.
This project can be also showed in an in indoore installation and the thre videos projected at the same time in three different side of the gallery the audio will follow different installation too. The original video is in HD 1280x720 with Canon camera.
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