Mona # Vivianne born naturally . As this wonderful woman appeared in my life and in my dreams, I reported on the canvas. She is a real person, not imaginary . What radiates with its warm look and its bright colors and wrap back to the tranquility, sensuality , warmth , being a woman . In a parallel dimension that lies un'orsacchiotta , looking at her , still mesmerized by such great beauty. From his little heart these are the two sprigs of green leaves and bright : they are his two children. When I thought I imagined what animal would accompany her mother bear strong, maternal , protective, leaves little freedom to vigilandoli from afar. I found out later to be his favorite animal .
Very often you create synergies between the subject and the performer of the canvas. When you leave the rationality and the free hand to create , you will see the Magic.
The embroidery of the drapery , with strong reddish tones , reports the symbolism of the ancient Druid people very dear to her .
Regarding the profile the work material has an irregular bottom chalky with oil painting overlying and final paint .
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