

Identity and technology . These are the subjects of the investigation artistic Alessia Lemon, the starting point of this reflection should include every modern man. If, in fact , technology and identity seem to be abstractly on two different planes of life and meaning , the reality shows us a framework in which they are closely related. " The advent of technology is really positive? " Is the question that the artist arises. It responds with a series of photographs that aim to externalize the difference between I and I communicated exists. Because technology has not only made ​​life easier, it also allowed human beings to change their real identity and imperfect , replacing it with a new fictitious identity and appealing, to show to the next in an approval process that makes us all so perfect as identical. Photographs denounce the influence of technology on the human mind , to put a stop to the emotions distorted by virtual reality . Catfish is inspired by the homonymous documentary of two young independent filmmakers Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman, who wanted to tell the lies and deceptions of virtual relationships through the development of a relationship that is developed exclusively online. An invitation , then, to return to his instrumental role technology and to resume possession of his life away from the filter of electronic devices.

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Comments 2

10 years ago
Ti ringrazio!
Egidio Granzo
10 years ago
Egidio Granzo Artist
geniale, brava

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