How Did I Get From There To Here?

How Did I Get From There To Here?

Digital Photography, Memory, Portrait, Mixed technique
Poets write of life as an endless exploration. But of what? And, to what end? My work addresses those questions often asked with the following different but compelling, poignant words: “How did I get from there to here?”
My images of people and cameos of their circumstances are threaded together by underscoring as common denominator that everyone engages life employing a shared set of learned behaviors and feelings, i.e. we are humanized by our experiences, emotions and actions.
My goal is to make portraits of people defining themselves by ordinary events – as if to say: “What’s happened/happening is part of the larger, cohesive experience of me.” If we could fully “own” our experiences, coupled with, for example, an ability to replay them as video in a personalized rear view mirror, then each road traveled could be a contextualized, vibrant parade of events defining what was explored and why.

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