Where the Day Goes

Where the Day Goes

Installation, Political / Social, Video installation, 305x71x122cm
Where the Day Goes was originally intended as a public art project. By placing trash cans in public spaces and hiding the flat screen TVs, the video can be unobtrusively integrated. A casual passerby, noticing the trash can, sees video at the bottom of the can playing an endless loop of repetitive tasks. The viewer will eventually see that these tasks occur endlessly at the bottom of trash cans, and it is literally and figuratively their time at the bottom of the trash cans.
So much more time and labor is needed outside of the normal work day in order to perform one’s job. If we think about our day, we tend to think about the small percentage of productive time. Long spans of wasted time seem to be compressed in our memories. Where the Day Goes is my attempt to move the viewer to be aware of the tasks soaking up much of their lives and how those tasks revolve around their work day. The counter productivity that goes along with meetings about meetings, constant emails and memos, and other results of micro management are all part of being a cog in a bureaucracy.

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