After Hanging Fruit, After The Date palms

Animation, Nature, Landscape, 3D animation, 3:20
After Hanging Fruit began as a study of Paul Klee's painting of the same name. i was interested in the way in which he brought a luminosity and use of tone painting, which is what I worked on initially. Later the photographic work of Tatsuki Masaru became influential, specifically the photograph Kuragari which I used as a compositional tool.
Almost all of the elements within the work were generated on a Tachyons+ - Fun 21 analogue video effect unit and then composed digitally within After Effects. In this sense After Hanging Fruit is a digital and analogue hybrid, using the mark making potential of analogue signal distortion, plus the compositional and compositing scope offered by digital editing. In addition to the analogue source material I also used video of AE guide substructures, an animation of the space shuttle vapour trail and video of the moon.
The soundtrack was produced on a Roland SH-01. Around this time I was listening to the music of The Date Palms which played a large part in the processing of the original sound. I was particularly affected by an early unreleased recording of the group called Psalm 1 lofi raga - demo, which was recorded directly to tape and contained a lot hiss and compression. This gave the recording an ageless quality and i attempted to recreate this by re-recording my original soundtrack directly from a speaker until the overall quality became very lo-fidelity. This seemed to be the sonic equivalent of the visual mark making process I'd gone through with the analogue video processor. Paying particular attention to the way in which a digital signal can disassembled.

Has been liked by 2

Comments 3

Jonathan  Gillie
11 years ago
Thank you for the comments Gerardo and Anais, it's always great to hear!
Gerardo Aizpuru
11 years ago
Gerardo Aizpuru Curator, Photographer, Graphic artist
Wonderful work !!
11 years ago
Anais Organizer
I love it, Jonathan!!!

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