Un volo di aquiloni ...

Un volo di aquiloni ...

Piero Lerda( www.pierolerda.com) was born in Caraglio (Cuneo) on April 29, 1927. He was, as a teenager, the pupil of a painter who lived in Caraglio during WWII, Vincenzo Alicandri ( from Abruzzo, Italy) where he learnt the secrets of the use of diversified media .
Piero Lerda received an elementary school teaching certificate and a school of Art diploma in Torino (Accademia Albertina di belle Arti). In 1953 he became doctor in Foreign Languages at the University of Torino, after two years spent in Nice (France) where he was instructor of Italian language and where he prepared his Master Thesis on Georges Bernanos, whose issues and dilemmas of the fight between good and evil in human life influenced the thoughts and the art of Piero Lerda through his life. (Title of the Thesis “La condition humaine dans les romans de Bernanos”). While in Nice (1951-1953) Lerda was co-founder of the prestigious Club des Jeunes, whose honorary members were intellectuals of the standing of Cocteau, Prévert, Médecines.
In Nice Lerda was a lecturer ( mainly on issues of vanguard visual arts, and primitive arts, from the Lascaux caverns graffiti to contemporary African sculpture), and started his ...

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Comments 5

Minghan Gong
10 years ago
Minghan Gong Artist
molto poetica~~
giuseppe giganti
10 years ago
Complimenti per le tue opere! Che meraviglia!! A presto Giuseppe
Gabriella Frustaci
12 years ago
che gioiosità nel volo..bello!!
12 years ago
ALF Artist
Veramente belli i tuoi lavori, pieni di tanto colore e di sentimento , tutto quello che hai messo nel farli.EMOZIONI...BRAVISSIMO!!!
12 years ago
Cat Photographer
une belle oeuvre :)

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