Rabbia e Silenzio http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5z54VCOFn4

Rabbia e Silenzio http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5z54VCOFn4

Installation, Political / Social, Wood, 57x40x37cm
Salerno - Anger and silence the cry of Culture trampled
Vincenzo Vavuso on display at the Provincial Art Gallery

An anger that makes you think, a silence that makes noise, an exhibition that wants to provoke .
We can not remain indifferent to frontealle Cromostrutture EFrom salernitanoVincenzo Vavuso paintings exhibited at the Provincial Art Gallery Salernodal 15 September to 5 ottobrein acuity with an exhibition curated by the prestigious critic prof. Angelo Calabrese and prepared with elegance by Daniela Orrico .
The message is loud and clear : in almost all of the works the common thread is the presence of pages of librobruciacchiate and crumpled under the action of aggressive and violent behavior, such as leather boots , sharp blades , picks, but inexorable colored cobwebs created with material of various kinds. The background is almost always black , sometimes embellished by a big red lump , evocative of some work sangue.In the base is transparent , with a frame that tries not to get noticed , but with a body wrap wire spider . The path of this violence culminates in the presence of even a toilet bowl full of books burned , ready to download.
An exhibition violent , then. But not a destructive violence : what is destructive is , not what it proposes.
The artist's intention is not only to show the pain for a company that are literally throwing in the garbage secular strength of the book, a sign of that research through the Human Culture who built the dignity of an entire civilization . He would ottenereche , through the consciousness of the abyss that is swallowing us , we wipe off and begin to reverse the priorities of the new values: not ignorance , but the knowledge , not the superficial disinterest , but a renewed , passionate attention , non- economic and ethical egoism , but the opening integral with the world.
Martin Luther King cried out, " If you love, angry." And Vavuso gets angry because the interest things , because he wants to " love." Confirm it works more openly even some proposals, such as the one above the ruin of the burns stands a pair of glasses, clear invitation to " contempl - action" look , understand and act . In one of the works with the boots on the pages singed , the title is " Do not step on ," almost an eleventh commandment sin against a modern and antique .
In a painting, he draws a sharp boundary but undulating between white and black, between the positive and negative wave that should be used to create bridges, and certainly not the walls that often one can see : this has the Anger title and silence , the same as the show , and then it is almost the emblem. Not by chance was the potential cover of a book written by him , but not yet published , made of few words and many blank pages singed . A book, too, imbued with the silence of rage and anger that can arise from silence.
Until now we have spoken above of the content, but you can not forget the artistic sense of the exhibition , which represents a decisive turning point in the journey of Vavuso . Although it has always been in love with art and the various forms of creativity, he came out of the closet , finally giving vent to his passion for research and the visionary sensuality of his perceptions .
At first , he acted on two fronts. As a writer, has published the book The painting, expression of ourselves (ed. Land of the Sun ), which is a journey not only in the emotion of the brush, but especially nellaspettacolare figurative and original openings informal painting of the bell ' nineteenth century and early twentieth century. As an artist, he has dedicated himself in his early paintings to works of great impact coloristic , in which the forms evoked barely gave way to clumps of colors and materials, and most of the time to evoke the mystery of the Primal Energy , Chaos who created the Universe , Harmony , the universe itself seeks to generate from its chaos .
Informal painting , therefore, quite different from that of the works exhibited in Anger and silence , highly symbolic . I do not however tacceremmo of inconsistency, because the common thread there , and how. And it is the cry of the matter. The lumps of the first works and forms speakers in place of the exhibition are both a dip in the great journey of nature. In the first serve , however, to lyrically evoke the cosmic sense of things, just in the last matter is the sign of the perverse trend that leads man to kill his thinking nature with the same forms of nature (wood, iron, glass, etc. . ) , designed to build but now used to destroy the dignity of nature thinking and conscious .
Artistically , the cry of Vavuso comes from afar and looks away. He feels the influence of the avant-gardes, not so much for water style Duchamp's urinal , which served to demonstrate another , but for the energy, matter and objects futurist present in his works . However, while the Futurists wanted to " kill the moonlight " in the name of modernity, Vavuso mourns the death of moonlight and struggle to build a new one . Compared to the avant-garde , he also wants to deconstruct the real and not to be bound by the search form , but it does so in order to recompose new forms right through the real and its personalerealismo symbolic and lyrical .
Therefore , postmodernly , he places himself in a position of mediation between anti-modern and ultra-modern , but balancing with more force and conviction the balance between the momentum and the importance of irrational reason that controls the creative impulse to exalt the freedom but also for find the most clear to his communication skills.
As he himself says , he pursues the path of a rational emotion . What is the most appropriate platform to convey a message of strength and intensity of emotion. A binary naturally presupposes the way, with new and more advanced and more mature stages , which certainly will be by an artist in volcanic unrest .
Meanwhile , the first path will do the mostraRabbia and silence , which will become itinerant and will soon be moving to Rome and then in Liguria and Veneto with motivated ambitions and aim also to the international scene .
Then , we'll see what we have invented our new Vavuso . But we hope to do it in a world where there is less anger and silence has finally bore fruit fruitful ...

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Comments 2

Tanya Bartolini
10 years ago
Ti chiedo di scusarmi non lo avevo mai visto il tuo bellissimo video sei davvero un grandioso artista ti stimo e ti auguro tutta la fortuna del mondo intero sei davvero grande .. il tuo cuore è immenso sei generoso umile e vero sei un grande artista mi ha emozionato .. ciao un bacio al tuo immenso cuore ...Tanyyy:-)))) vorrei che tutto mondo celeste lo vedesse mi hai emozionatooooooooooooooooooooooo

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