"Il sicomoro"
These elements are in fact intended as the representation of safety and security enjoyed by the souls of the dead in the afterlife following the celebration of the funeral rites by the living. http://guide.supereva.it/antropologia/interventi/2010/06/il-sicomoro-e-le-certezze-delle-anime
Cosmic tree of life related to the number 9, the symbol of universal love, the whole truth, and nine are the eyes that I represented. The ancestors watching us with worried looks and thoughtful, look at us in the eye to scrutinize, to ragguagliarci the destiny of man, the many issues seem interloquirci.
Comments 14
Un abbraccio.
Grazie Giulia, Aliz, Andrea, Emilia.
Sempre dolcissimi i tuoi commenti Tanya, ti ringrazio.
Aliz, anche io disegnavo occhi da quando frequentavo l'Istituto d'Arte.
Un abbraccio.
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