Arm/chair in the mith with river water

Arm/chair in the mith with river water

Painting, Love, Fantasy / Visionary, Mixed technique, 105x89x4cm
Artistic practice Calusca amplifies the size of his most intimate and personal feel to tune into the story line of a different time. The myth thus becomes contemporary icon and in tracking possible cognitive maps, myths, different historical times, memory and imagination meet and compare notes, inhabiting the same area. In stylistic feature that distinguishes the work of the artist, the path is a visual journey through a dream reality and distorted investigated in detail. Figures in constant metamorphosis, made with a soft touch, floating in a fairytale or representation tones borrowed from the medieval bestiary revisited. Among the figures, signs, stories and paths, in search of his Galatea Acis gives life to the mythological tale which above all means make alive the function of the imagination, the imagination anchoring itself in the thickness of the body that penetrates the darkness of changing 'unconscious.

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