That's one of the painting from the series: "The Music of the Spheres" exhibithed in 2004 at Segrete di Bocca, Milano with a critic essay by Rossana Bossaglia that say: "...and because the insertion of ther concentric discs, one inside the other in a regular geometric rhytm, embodying an inescapable rule, notwithstanding the suble variations of lights and chromatic effects, the series of these works, with their seductive textures, appears like an interpretation, at the same time synthetic and diffused, of the universe.
Or more precisely, the universe as rule and at the same time as fluid metamorphosis. And finally, as beauty; because this is what the artistic interpretation aims to witness.

Has been liked by 4

Comments 2

15 years ago
fatinablu Curator
Hi Takis,
I'm an art curator and I work with Leonilde
I think she should be interested to your proposal.

Write me back about the date, and the others artist
that will partecipate.

Valeria Vaccari
Art Curator
15 years ago
Hi Leonilde,
Have you got this message?
Are you interested in participating in a Group Exhibition late next year (2010) in Athens???
If yes, then have a look on my C Studio Events(1)...
Keep in touch and take care, yours Takis

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