SPECCHI e ZINZI 4 (politici... al popolo si sono rotti i palloni)

SPECCHI e ZINZI 4 (politici... al popolo si sono rotti i palloni)

Painting, Political / Social, Oil, 92x101cm
Oil and various uses on sackcloth pasted on plywood. The busts with gilded mirrors represent the faces of today's politicians who have been elected by the people and we should reflect our wills, our needs that should ease with their daily work. Instead our politicians are used by large "lobbies" ("pressure groups" or "interest groups" that operate interfacing with politics) at their convenience, turning them into "mirrors for the people" and we are dazzled and attracted as it mirrors fool's gold hunters who use them to break down more easily.
Our "dear" mirrors not get us down directly, but instead, making us constantly walking on streets paved with "Zinzi" (broken glass), we create a life full of difficulties and sacrifices with continuous lacerations both moral and physical leaving us to die very slowly , but the worst thing is that the majority of people believe in their flattery and think that the life we R03;R03;live is the best possible. Giving us some "toy", how could it be football or any other game, turn people away from those who are the real everyday problems and make us happy and "satisfied."
They (the politicians) do not miss anything. You create the golden cages where they can live a life full of comforts and luxuries at the expense of "peoples balls" that every time continue to elect them.

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Comments 7

Rosalba Acquaro
9 years ago
Grazie Gianfranco, sempre gentile !!
Rosalba Acquaro
10 years ago
Bella la tua opera,per lasciare traccia artistica di questo momento difficile.... e di quanto la gente sia ormai seccata...
10 years ago
Grande composizione - bravissimo Gianfranco! :) ...lg Ann
Vincenzo Bafunno
11 years ago
Vincenzo Bafunno Photographer
Ottima composizione artistica, dai colori ai materiali al significato. Bravo continua su questo stile.
 Anna Scopece
11 years ago
ah ah ah(per non piangere)!!!bravissimo!
11 years ago
Bella composizione ed esaustiva didascalia.
A causa dei nostri pseudo politici, sapessi cosa mi sono rotto...
giulio micheletti
11 years ago
Auguri,condivido il pensiero,hai fatto un buon lavoro,complimenti.Bravo.

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