red valleys, green hills

red valleys, green hills

Ana Schmidt focuses her work on urban landscape, how it appears on our everyday experience: during our trips from home to work or in a more technical google earth panoramic view. Both types of images are part of the landscape perception of the modern observer.
The pictures of urban landscape try to render visible the territorial changes brought on by the process of urban transformation and sprawl. A google view, as reinvention of the vedutism, and the painting of spaces that normally escape our awareness as the periphery, the fringes, where cities become blurred, try to focus our attention on our urban reality. The issue of the urban landscapes is related to human intervention into nature.
Red valleys, green hills represents an aerial, almost google like view of the metropolitan area where she lives. The image represents a distant territorial city. Green valleys, red hills is the title of a novel that describes the transformation of this region during the last century. The title of this painting inverts the terms, because it reflects the urban development during the last decades, where the valley has been stained with the red roofs of the buildings.

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11 years ago
nurelhoda Artist

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