Ruota della medicina (Medicine wheel)

Ruota della medicina (Medicine wheel)

In a triangle as a symbol of fertility and f Nature there is inscribed a circle, that is superabundant on the left, It is divided in 4 colors as shown in the symbolism of the American Indians’ Medicine wheel. Each vertex of the segments has embedded a stone of different color in paper mache and on the center of the circle stones different colors stones are combined in a single nest of paper mache. The frame is made of papier-mâché and wire newspaper. The colorful paper mache is obtained: yellow with the turmeric, red with paprika and black with coffee powder. The installation as a mandala, a large spider web has many symbolic meanings that are communicated not only through the view, but also with touch and smell

Has been liked by 4

Comments 4

Betti Failla
11 years ago
Betti Failla Artist
GIULIO questa volta non posso che copiare il tuo commento e riproporlo nel mio web in blog GRAZIE AMICO DALLA PURA SENSIBILIT°
Betti Failla
11 years ago
Betti Failla Artist
GIULIO questa volta non posso che copiare il tuo commento e riproporlo nel mio web in blog GRAZIE AMICO DALLA PURA SENSIBILIT°
giulio micheletti
11 years ago
una meridiana che cura ogni cosa,laproiezione del soggetto nell'interno del complicato simbolo,proietta la sua ombra e il suo sapore,che unendosi con i sapori del manufatto e con i suoi spiriti intrappolati,combatte contro il suo male,con una spiritualità a noi sconosciuta,perchè amanti dellamateria e non dell'essensa.
Betti Failla
11 years ago
Betti Failla Artist
In a triangle as a symbol of fertility and f Nature there is inscribed a circle, that is superabundant on the left, It is divided in 4 colors as shown in the symbolism of the American Indians’ Medicine wheel. Each vertex of the segments has embedded a stone of different color in paper mache and on the center of the circle stones different colors stones are combined in a single nest of paper mache. The frame is made of papier-mâché and wire newspaper. The colorful paper mache is obtained: yellow with the turmeric, red with paprika and black with coffee powder. The installation as a mandala, a large spider web has many symbolic meanings that are communicated not only through the view, but also with touch and smell

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