

"Dialogue" is painted using old and new works by the painter. In retrospect, reinterprets and talks about new ideas and current events. Jerusalem is the central theme because its characteristics of great little place, microcosm that reflects the macrocosm's conflicts. As a witness of his time, describes a political, social, religious, feminist and ecological dialogue. On another level the dialogue develops between various pictorial techniques and between the artist and herself.
This work is the first in a series of 3 artworks that consists of 24 paintings 50x50 cm, united into a single piece of 3x2 meters each.

Has been liked by 5

Comments 3

Hanna Fluk
10 years ago
Hanna Fluk Artist
aprecciate the art work, thanks
Hanna Fluk
10 years ago
Hanna Fluk Artist
the personal and new form to paint Jerusalem !!! you made me see jerusalem with new eyes, new perspective.
Hanna Fluk
11 years ago
Hanna Fluk Artist
Amazing !!

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