Marechiaro, a Fenesta

Marechiaro, a Fenesta

Watercolor, Beauty, Landscape, Watercolour, 25x35cm
I want to share the beauties of my city, Naples

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Comments 36

10 years ago
MARTE Artist
Amo gli acquerelli!!! e questo e' super!
Luca Abbatelli
10 years ago
Caro Emiliano,
benché questo non sia il mio genere, devo dirti, le tue opere mi hanno emozionato. Quello che mi ha colpito è il mondo interiore che esprimi con il colore. E' tuo, e solo tuo evidentemente, questo mondo colorato, vivo e contrastato, ma sempre armonico. Ho visto le altre opere e tutte sono riconoscibili. Sarà un caso che il protagonista del file La grande bellezza di chiami Gambardella...
Bravo, spero tu abbia i dovuti riconoscimenti artistici.
Lauro Pedraza
10 years ago
Lauro Pedraza Artist
Bellissimo! Complimenti Emiliano!
CreativityArt di Castellano
10 years ago
Belli i colori!!
Ratnakar Ojha
10 years ago
Ratnakar Ojha Artist
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”
― Leonardo da Vinci
Waldemar Dabrowski
10 years ago
Very nice...!
Monika Rembowska
10 years ago
molto bello
Maurizio Carpanelli
10 years ago
Molto belli i tuoi acquarelli ! Quanta bravura e poesia : complimenti!
Carlo Rossetti
10 years ago
bellissimo dipinto
10 years ago
Ivana/Colors Artist
Il mare è di una luce fantastica !
Gabriele Donelli
10 years ago
Irina Rud
10 years ago
Irina Rud Artist
Artist hand works very free and courageously mixing colors, wet and soft brushstrokes, leaving some parts of white paper being seen though paint to show the texture.
In his works fully reflected his active, passionate nature. All aquarelles are interesting but most of all I love “L’Alba di Bacoli”, Marechiaro, a Fenesta”, Palazzo Donna Anna, Napoli” and most of all “Qui rido io, Napoli”. Thank you my favourite contemporary artist, Emiliano.
Irina Rud
10 years ago
Irina Rud Artist
Like tunes in music color shades sound in his aquarelles, play light and shade transitions. Contrast comparison of bright, saturated, open colors exists joined with harmony of gentle pastel paints. Emilliano’s landscapes are full of light, color and willing of life and creativity.
For his painting is characteristic use of fillings and extensions of color, a blur, a portrayal of details of a landscape with a dry-brush, courageous juicy dabs. In works the solar palette, prevails use of deep shades of blue, violet, green, and light gentle shades of pink, lilac, pale yellow, blue and tender orange. Saturated shadows and silhouettes of buildings against the sunset sky without being confused transfers by means of densely imposed black paint. That looks very convincing.
Irina Rud
10 years ago
Irina Rud Artist
Aquarelle by Emiliano Gambardella I can’t compare with works of any other contemporary artist. His energy and hardworking always strikes and inspires me.
The artist shows surprisingly beautiful places. Gulfs, embankments, streets, houses and ladders, stony coast and sand beaches roll in rising sun beams, are lost in twilight or melt in luxury of midday heat. Landscape in his works is not simply a nature and architecture; it is a certain state of nature, mood, its force and harmony. Language of the fine arts influences our feelings through a palette of paints of the artist. Easily and freely the artist resorts to use various techniques, combining fillings with a further made by dry-brush hardly noticeable contours, outlines and silhouettes of architecture of different corners of the hometown.
Barbara Ghisi
11 years ago
che bella questa! Mi era scappata! bravo
Tanya Bartolini
11 years ago
mi dispiace amico mio non volevo abbandonarti e la tua opera è un vero grande capolavoro io ho lasciato appeso il mio pennello almeno per un po ma tu sei grandissimo la tua opera è immensa è Napoli è orgogliosa di avere un grandissimo artista come te ... ti voglio bene perdonami ... la tua amica di sempre ...Tanya
Gianpaolo Marchesi
11 years ago
Bellissima e in bocca al lupo!
Silvia  Caimi
11 years ago
Silvia Caimi Artist
strabello, complimenti!
Paul Brotherton
11 years ago
Paul Brotherton Designer, Painter
Great composition and colours....lovely work!
Rudolf Lichtenegger
11 years ago
I like it!
giulio micheletti
11 years ago
leggerezza rappresentativa magnifica,complimenti
Djamel Adjimi
11 years ago
Djamel Adjimi Artist
Bella ! mi piace !
Lucia Di Blasi
11 years ago
Lucia Di Blasi Architect
Raffinato e delicato.
Nanouk Reicht
11 years ago
Nanouk Reicht Art lover
J'aime beaucoup!
Lino Bianco
11 years ago
Lino Bianco Artist
Diafana e leggera come la brezza del golfo.
Teresa Palombini
11 years ago
Luminosa e delicata.
Tanya Bartolini
11 years ago
Israel Aguirre Torres
11 years ago
11 years ago
nurelhoda Artist
emilia rebuglio
11 years ago
Mi piace molto!
alberto bottura
11 years ago
Veramente bella!
Flora Unicum
11 years ago
Flora Unicum Artist
Lewis Wallace
11 years ago
Lewis Wallace Artist
11 years ago
molto bello. Bravo
11 years ago
Cat Photographer
Bonne chance !
Katrien Steenssens
11 years ago

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