La vittoria nei  mondi opposti con l’abito di sposa

La vittoria nei mondi opposti con l’abito di sposa

Digital Photography, Human figure, Architecture, Landscape, Computer graphics, 120x100x2cm
In this work I introduce 2 images that are overlapped, two places
opposite but with the same spirit of conquest; the fight for power, “ the wars”, that are also in the our everyday life, characterize our western approach towards the success. I make a comparison between the world of fashion, the consumption, and the world of the true war.
We were used to think that the war was only limited to desire of conquest of a territory that mainly was tied to the construction of an empire, when the nation concept was much different from today or at least in Europe, but now that the states do not exist more, now that the borders are truly increased thanks to you to the free market the END of war has not arrived or at least it has arrived but only apparently. In my opinion only the modalities are changed, in order to cite a title it of a film to me beloved” il mestiere delle armi (the profession of the arms)” has not ended.
We have put down to earth swords and rifles and we have covered this soldier with feminine dress. He appears now in the image of a bride.
The will of conquest for a territory has become the will of conquest of space of market from the few little groups of persons.

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Comments 2

Ina Nikolic
14 years ago
Ina Nikolic Artist
pino spadavecchia
14 years ago
La tua opera produce grande emozione. Ben confezionata.Brava.

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