District Trieste/Africano
Hour 10:40 am
PRELUDE: A shopkeeper empties his storeroom and throws away complete boxes of new items of old-fashioned clothing, all of a sudden everybody is the same.
STORY: The treasure is first discovered by the Rom who regularly and methodically browse through the rubbish skip, they pull out the first boxes. Within 30 minutes passers-by who were out shopping, dwellers of the houses across the road, African street sellers of pirate CDs with their rucksacks full of merchandise, Arabic women, shy Indian street sellers with their stalls of shoes and fake sunglasses, meet, elbow to elbow, to rummage through the RUBBISH SKIP BOUTIQUE, they choose what they like best, try things on, advise each other, get to know each other. Some astonished passers-by timidly throw away their rubbish in the rubbish skips and leave turning around to see what’s happening.

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