

Painting, Fantasy / Visionary, Acrylic, 70x100cm
The picture "Prototype" represents the image of a fantastic, stone fish. Which freely floats in sea depth. Bearing in the eyes the image of a sea landscape. In which sea borders on the blue sky.

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Comments 5

12 years ago
Experience of life with  Emily Eunjue Hayes
14 years ago
Sprited fish! Like us, like you, like I. Spirit does not know the limit. Under the sea, way up in the sky universe somewhere, every where floats freely like your fish you've created to share. That is the definition of freedom. Free float, we can only allow by not being boxed mind. Think out-side the box, will hit the box office in life!!!

Master piece!!!
Master Piece!!!

Your friend emily eunjue hayes
Domenico Bonomi
14 years ago
grande Vladimir Bravo!
Christiane Bernreuther
15 years ago
nice painting!
Marcelino Varas
15 years ago
very nice work!

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