Global Warming II

Global Warming II

Painting, Nature, Animal, Political / Social, Acrylic, 188x193cm
We are now living in a period of global transition. Our planet is at risk and global warming is a serious issue in our time and it must be everybody’s concern because symptoms of full destruction are evident in different parts of the world. It is time to act now and artists have the opportunity to do something about it, and creating this work is a move on my part towards the saving the earth.

Has been liked by 9

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Comments 10

Bert  Monterona
11 years ago
Thanks Gianpaolo.
Gianpaolo Marchesi
11 years ago
Bert  Monterona
11 years ago
Thanks Gabi for such lovely comment and putting my works on your favorite list
is well apreciated.
Gabi Domenig
11 years ago
Gabi Domenig Artist
What a beautiful work!
Bert  Monterona
11 years ago
Thank you Catherine.
11 years ago
Cat Photographer
Bonne chance !
Bert  Monterona
11 years ago
thanks Giulia for adding my work on your favorite list.
11 years ago
Bert  Monterona
11 years ago
Thanks my friend, I will be active again in this network.
Associazione Roberta Smedili
11 years ago
beautiful, compliments Bert

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