Installation, Technological, Human figure, Video installation, 300x300x400cm
In a world dominated by media the object of observation is a mere pretest to justify the existence of the media itself.
The object of reality, overwhelmed by all the technologies, which apparently have the goal to communicate it, is forced to disappear.

Ipod, ipad, videocams, photocameras, social networks… the object is decomposed by this displayed amplifications. Thrown into the technological and virtual world, the object loses its materiality and becomes virtual by all the meanings, reaching the point where it becomes secondary to wonder if that object exists in a specific place and time.
The idea of reality itself has lost is centrality being absorbed by the constellation of all the possible virtual realities.

This experience is even more evident when the object is human, or “superhuman” such as a superstar on a red carpet.
The diva surrounded by recording devices is cut in pieces, is multiplied and reduced in consumable images for the voracious displays and, only then, for the spectators’ eyes.
It is not important anymore to establish if there’s anyone outside on the red carpet, since the real happening is inside the camera’s displays.
The focus are the digital screens, which, in a certain way, invent the reality, create it, validating and testifying it and at the same time, having digitalized it, performing its disappearance.

Every device displays stills and videos of parts of the body of a model wearing a red dress. These stills and videos will be previously recorded on the same location of the exhibition.
On the ipad, at the bottom of a transaprent cube, is showed the facebook page of the “virtual” diva. The spectators can read the messages who are posted. On top of the cube lays the red dress wore by the model during the recordings.

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