Crisi economica

Crisi economica

Economic Crisis (2011, oil on canvas, 54x42), is reproduced the flag of the four died two bills that are put together, the old 500 pounds and just the 10 euro relevant today. The meaning is clear and at least disenchanted: the times were those of the lira and the timing are those of the euro. The value of the notes, greatly disparate, indicating the market value now changed considerably, and because the economic situation, and therefore social, has changed in the worst way. Is felt in the work the influence Caravaggesque, on the bottom in shadow stands in fact the white of the flag on which seems to settle a ray of light, as well as on banknotes. The combination of the face of a Moor placed front banknotes, as it were to implement another war / battle of the Sardinian people, this time to the crisis.

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