riflessioni atomiche-quantiche

riflessioni atomiche-quantiche

the industrial-technological object is a cube with LED, in which is placed inside, after the first rows of LEDs in the foreground, a mirror that reflects them forward-forward, creating an infinite perspective ..... l 'analogy with the natural reality visible in this phenomenon is evident .... the relationship non-local quantum assumes the local report, the relativity of space-time and absolute space and time owing to the relation non-local quantum co -exist .... the transmission-reflection micro-matter-wave electromagnetic photons occurs through the quantum intervals that can form-like mirrors that extend the image of reality forever.
<the atom can be transmitted or reflected, two alternative paths that can lead to well distinti.ma the atom can also arise in a superposition of states reflected and transmitted, which can be present simultaneously in two clearly separated regions of space .. ......> (john s.bell-speakable and unspeakable in quantum mechanics)

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Comments 1

emilia rebuglio
11 years ago
E' un'opera importante ed altrettanto dotta ed importante è la spiegazione che l'accompagna.

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