"La Consagración de Obama - 2008"

"La Consagración de Obama - 2008"

"La consagración de Obama"
Simboliza, el camino recorrido por Obama, la linea Ondulada.
en una Mano, tiene el poder, de la nación poderosa,
en la otra el Chvo, que simboliza el poder de la Autoridad,
los demas simbolos aluden a la confianza otorgada,
el reconocimiento de todas las Naciones.

Has been liked by 5

Comments 3

giancarlo marcali
14 years ago
great work. thank you
Experience of life with  Emily Eunjue Hayes
15 years ago
What a wonderful description for the painting. This painting has a lot of joy. Smile comes with the joy you've share through this painting. It is more of blassing to Obama and whole world to be in peace. This is the work of spirit.
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.
What more blassing can I possibly ask?
Thank you very much Achi and I love it!!!

Your friend emily eunjue hayes
15 years ago
Achi Artist
“Obama’s commitment”

It is a symbol of Obama’s road; the Ondulate line in one hand
has the power of a potent nation,
On the other, the goat; this symbolizes the power of authority;
the rest of the symbols suggest the force given by the confidence,
the acknowledgement of all nations

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