When there was Snow White everything was simpler

When there was Snow White everything was simpler

Installation, Fantasy / Visionary, Video installation, 200x110x200cm
This is the explication of the two works “When there was Snow White everything was simpler” -interactive installation and video:
The work consists in a video and an interactive installation actuated by the viewer, both in the same room.
The video is nearly a prequel of the installation itself, in which six dwarves (the seventh died in the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeVYx6BiJKI&feature=g-all-u) commemorate the death of their beloved Snow White, occurred exactly 17 May, International Day Against Homophobia
A skeleton arm emerges from the very grave reaching for a shopping bag, as an extreme attempt to revive the fatuity of the past.
When the observer gets next to the installation, paying homage to the deadly rests of sweet Snow White, he activates the dwarves choir who sings the Ave Maria in Gregorian chant.

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